Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cajun Card Games


1. Put up your "mease" (Ante Up). We usually played 5 cents ante and 25 cents if you are bouree`d (dont' win a hand).

2 Dealer hands out 5 cards to each player (If you have 5 or less players a widow hand can be dealt. This is an extra hand that can be bought by one of ht eplayers).

3. The dealer turns over his 5th card. This is the trump for the game (If dealer turns over a heart, hearts are trump, if a club is turned over, club is trump, etc.)

4. Each player will decide if they want to stay in or pass (You must have at least one trumpt o stay in). The player to the dealer's left will tell how many cards he/she wants (if he/she has no trumps, then the widow hand can be bought .... this is optional).

5. Each player tells the dealer how many cards they want. When a ard is played, you must follow suit. If you dont' have one of whatever is played, you can play a trump card or any other card.

6.  At the end of play, the one who wins the most hands (tricks) -wins, and takes the pot. If you fail to win a hand (Trick), you must pay 25 cents - Bouree` (This goes into the next pot).


1. This is a cajun game for 4 players, no more and no less. You play with a partner...the person sitting across from you.

2. The dealer hands out 9 cards to each player (this is done 3 at time till 9 cards are given).

3. Now the bidding begins. You bid on how many points you think you can make. The point cards are: Ace (1 pt.) Jack (1 pt.) 10 (1 pt.) and the two 5 cards: PEDROS (5pts each). A PEDRO is a 5 card in the color of the suit that wins the bid.  Who ever has the ace cards automatically scores that point when played. The same goes for the 2, the player automatically makes that point when played.  The rest of the point cards go to whoever wins the hand with the higest trump card. Bidding tips: If you have an ace and a 2 in the same suit, you can bid 7 points.  You cannot loast either of these points and will play your partner for a Pedro (5). If you have Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10 and 2 in the same suit, you can bid 14-28. This means that if you get all the points, you will score 28 points, but if you dont' make it you will only be down (lose) 14 points.  The bidding starts with the player to the left of the dealer. He can bid or pass. Then keeps going around (clockwise) ending with the dealer. The minimum bid is 6. If no one bids, the dealer must bid at least 6 points and will call the suit/trump. You want to get the bid so that you can call trump so it's to your advantage to bid. If you partner bids six, it tells you that he doesn't have much so you should try to break (outbid) him if possible. The person with the highest bid gets to call trump (the suit).

4. Now that you knwo what the trump is, players will discard non-trump cards and draw more cards. Keep all the tumps and the five of the same color (i.e. If hearts is trump and you have the 5 of diamonds, keep it. It is a Pedro and is worth 5 points). If you have 2 trump cards, you will draw 4 cards to make a totoal of six cards. This goes around clockwise until you get to the dealer. The dealer gets what remains in the deck. This is great if lots of cards are left, but sometimes you get none. If you have more than 6 trump cards, you will have to bury cards on the first hand. You cannot bury a point card.

5. The person who won the bid leads off. He/she can lead with whatever card they wish. You dont' have to lead with trump. If you bid with the Ace and 2, you lead with the Ace and hope your partner has the Pedro. Then you automatically get the point for the 2 card whenever it is played, thus making your seven point bid. If you have two pedros in your hand, you lead with an off card (non-trump) and hope your partner realizes what you have and thus takes the lead if possible.

6. Whatever is played, you MUST follow suit. If you have a pedro and are the last to play when off cars are led and you don't have an that offcard, you can play the pedro and win that hand.

7. The highest trump card wins the hand and will lead off the next hand. At the end of the hand, the two teams count up the cards and points are assigned. There is a total of 14 points. If one side scored 7 points, the other side will have seven also. If one side has 10 then the other side scored 4 poitns.

8. If you got the bid and didn't make it, you are the number you bid in the hole. (i.e. If you bid 7 and only make six points, you must subtract 7 or add a -7 to your score).

9. You can play to 52 points or 104. The score you play to depends on the time you have.

10. If a hand ends with the only trump cards being played are the two pedros`,  the Pedro that is in the suit bid is the one that wins the hand and 10 points. (i.e. you are in Diamonds and the hand ends up two off card and the Five of Diamonds and the Five of Hearts. The hand goes to the player who played the Five of Diamonds).

It is always better to have at least one experienced player in the group, but it's not necessary. If you are all novices, you can play together and in the Cajun way, change the rules to satisfy your group. Important part is to JUST HAVE FUN!

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